PSA Committee Roles
The Chair or Co-Chairs lead the committee, ensuring the PSA is run in line with the constitution and according to the wishes of all members. Responsibilities:
Communicate with headteacher and school
Chair PSA meetings
Set meeting dates
Manage and control PSA funds according to the wishes of the Committee. Responsibilities:
Administer PSA funds and bank account
Prepare floats for PSA events
Administer reimbursements
Collect and report on financial status
Liaise with partners and suppliers
Ensure the PSA runs smoothly and efficiently through the preparation and organisation of the Committee’s paperwork and communication. Responsibilities:
Record meeting minutes
Distribute minutes to the school, PSA and wider school community
Document and share meeting agendas
Handle all the PSA’s publicity for events, activities and fundraising initiatives. This includes the PSA website, social media, posters, banners and comms via school channels.
Prepare comms strategy and planning
Write and distribute messages
Design visual assets such as posters and social media materials
Liaise with the school for outbound communications